Peat Moss
Peat moss is a general name for a large variation of mosses. In addition to compost, Peat Moss is a natural soil conditioner perfect for increasing the soil's ability to absorb and retain water, and to promote nutrient intake.
As a natural soil conditioner and additive, Peat Moss can provide tremendous assistance to topsoil, garden beds, or landscaping, that is exposed to a large amount of sunlight. As the heat dries and saps up the moisture from soils, Peat Moss can combat against such measures with its water retention properties. Besides absorbing and retaining water, Peat Moss increases the effectiveness the soil can intake nutrients.
As this additive improves the soil when mixed for plant growth, it will also inevitably improve the growth of weeds as well. Once the Peat Moss has been installed, we recommend quickly planting as to prevent the roots of weeds to from spreading deep into the soil of your garden or landscaping.